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I was billed after I canceled my subscription

Solution First, confirm that the charge was for TeenFlood. Call CCBill at 1-888-596-9279. CCBill handles billing for thousands of websites. That charge may not be from us! When you cancel, CCBill automatically sends out a confirmation message to the email address you used when you joined. Keep this receipt, at least until you're sure you haven't been charged again. If you never received that email, check to make sure you're still using the same address you signed up with. If so, your account probably wasn't canceled.

The vast majority of cancelations take place without a hitch, but if you find that you have been billed after cancelation it is an easy matter to rectify. First, try calling CCBill's 24 hour technical support at 1-888-596-9279. We can also help you cancel your account at our help desk.
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